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What our patients are saying...
Mensah Medical has been the biggest blessing of my life! My now 11 year old son had horrible mood swings, behaviors and anxiety that was debilitating. His response to meds was extremely poor and nothing helped. Tests showed extreme high histamine (147) among other issues ( high copper, low zinc). He has responded beautifully to his Mensah protocol and it has been 4 years. Their care has been unbelievable.
-High Histamine Treatment Success
For 24 years, I suffered from depression, anxiety, fear, self-criticism, low self-esteem, and fatigue. Menopause just magnified my problems. I just kept trying different psychological and medical professionals, to find answers. My journey took me through psychotherapy, counseling, meditation, medication, and various alternative therapies. After undergoing thorough assessment (at Mensah Medical), I started on a regime tailored specially to my needs. I am feeling more grounded and stressful situations no longer unhinge me.
Mary from Maryland
We went to Mensah Medical physicians personally trained by Dr. Walsh about 6 months ago, my son (age 2 1/2) was diagnosed moderate to severe Autistic with PDD 1 year ago and the nutrient treatments have changed our lives. Improved speech, social skills, physical function, eye contact, sleeping patterns, sensory feedback have all improved. My son’s teachers are astounded at his progress!
- Autism Child School Success Story
I had been suicidal since August 2011, right after I took the antidepressants prescribed by an arrogant doctor who claimed it was my personality, not the drug he gave me that made me feel that way. Luckily he abandoned me so I did not have to keep taking those poisons. I have been through many holistic treatments, and I never learned what exact imbalances I had until I had the exam and treatments from the Mensah Medical Center in Chicago. I understand my full recovery will take 6 months, but I am lucky enough to feel so good just in less than one month. My energy level is at its best!
Energy up and No Longer Suicidal
Mensah Medical is saving my family every single day. My 5 year old son is almost a normal kid now, after being diagnosed with sensory processing disorder. He had delayed fine motor skills and serious anger / tantrum issues resulting from high anxiety. Myself and my 3 year old daughter are Mensah Medical patients as well, and noticeably happier and healthier too.
-Grateful Family Seeing Success