The Gut-Brain Misdirection
As a result of surgery, a young lady became malabsorptive. The surgery decreased her capacity to absorb the nutrients she needed to maintain both physical and mental health. In medical terms, she experienced a loss of Intrinsic Factor, which is produced in the stomach and is needed to carry Vitamin B-12 to the terminal ileum of her bowel for absorption. A lack of B-12 can also affect the methylation cycle. Not only can this cause Pernicious Anemia, but it can also cause Peripheral Neuropathy. Several people mistakenly subscribe to the belief that Vitamin B-6, in treatment dosages, causes neuropathy. They fail to realize that Vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is far more common, is more likely the cause of such challenges. Both Vitamin B-12 deficiency as well as excess, for that matter, can cause neuropathy.