Super Simple Butternut Squash Soup by Sami G
Butternut Squash Soup: It’s my favorite season and with all the beautiful colors of fall comes one of my favorite soups to warm your soul.
Depression is a mental disorder that can be characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and lack of motivation. People with depression may experience other physical and emotional symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, changes in appetite, and low self-esteem.
Depression affects as much as 10% of adults in the United States. Approximately 3% to 8% of all children and adolescents have a depressive disorder, and 20% of young people show signs of some depressive symptoms.
The symptoms of depression vary from person to person. Common signs and symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, guilt, irritability, anger, frustration, and decreased pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed. Additional physical and emotional symptoms can include fatigue, insomnia or oversleeping, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, aches and pains, thoughts of death or suicide, and social withdrawal.
Any one of these symptoms could stem from depression:
Depression is a complex condition and can manifest in many different ways, making it difficult to diagnose. Major types of depression include:
The typical treatment for mild to moderate depression usually includes psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Psychotherapy is often used on its own as it has been proven effective in improving symptoms of depression and helping manage underlying causes such as stress. Many types of medications are available to treat depression, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). It is important to discuss any medications with a healthcare provider prior to taking them.
Neurotransmitters play an important role in brain health. They are chemical messengers that enable us to think and act. They have a dominant impact on mood, focus, concentration, anxiety, obsessions and mental well-being. In order to understand depression disorders, it is important to know these key takeaways:
Most experts have regarded depression as a single condition with variations along a central theme – low activity at serotonin receptors. The new DSM-5 classifies mood and anxiety disorders as separate conditions. Researcher and author William J. Walsh, PhD, President of Walsh Research Institute, examined over 300,000 chemical analyses of blood and urine and identified five chemical biotypes of clinical depression. Each of these biotypes are separate conditions involving unique biochemistry and require separate treatment. These are: undermethylation, overmethylation, copper overload, pyrrole disorder and metal toxicity depression.
Mensah Medical’s Protocols are designed to normalize key chemical factors that influence neurotransmitter production and activity. Through testing Mensah Medical’s physicians determine your key biochemical imbalances and use compounded supplementation to restore these markers to their optimal level. By correcting imbalances of essential nutrients in the body, Mensah Medical’s approach is safe, natural, and effective. Mensah Medical’s protocol will not only rebalance chemistry but also alleviate many of the symptoms associated with depression disorders. If you or a loved one is currently on an antidepressant and/or another psychiatric medication, Mensah Medical physicians will work to first restore your chemistry, rebuild your foundation, and then look to work with your physician to slowly decrease your medication.
Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including biological and psychological. Biological causes can include hormonal imbalances, genetics, or pre-existing medical conditions. Psychological causes may include stress, anxiety, past traumatic events, or difficulty coping with difficult life situations. Depression is often associated with low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. It is important to note that not everyone experiences depression in the same way and that it can manifest differently in different people. From the Orthomolecular approach there are multiple biochemical causes of depression:
Risk factors for depression can include a history of mental health issues, substance abuse, certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, and a family history of depression. Other risk factors may include chronic stress or difficult life situations such as abuse, poverty, or unemployment. It is also crucial to note that certain medications can increase the risk of depression. In addition, diets high in copper (leafy green vegetables, nuts, avocado, etc) or folates (dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, etc) may increase the risk of developing depression as they contribute to the development of copper toxicity or undermethylation. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional if you are experiencing symptoms of depression in order to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Depression can have serious medical complications, both physical and mental. This can include difficulty sleeping, fatigue, changes in appetite, headaches, aches and pains, digestive issues, and more. It can also lead to decreased concentration and motivation which may lead to decreased productivity. In severe cases of depression, it can even increase the risk of suicide. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional if you are experiencing symptoms of depression in order to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Prevention of depression can include developing healthy lifestyle habits such as getting plenty of exercise and rest, engaging in social activities, eating a balanced diet, and addressing any underlying mental health issues. It is also important to manage stress levels by taking time for yourself, engaging in mindfulness activities, and utilizing relaxation techniques. Having a strong support network is important for processing events, triggers, or trauma before they lead to any mental health concern. Additionally, it is helpful to be aware of risk factors such as family history of depression or certain medical conditions so that you can take appropriate proactive steps.
Diagnosis of depression usually involves a mental health professional performing an assessment and evaluation. Many will use DSM-5 criteria to determine a proper diagnosis. This may include discussing the individual’s symptoms, medical history, psychological history, and any underlying medical conditions. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional if you are experiencing symptoms of depression in order to get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Lifestyle and home remedies can be an effective way to manage symptoms of depression. Engaging in regular exercise, practicing yoga or meditation, getting plenty of rest, eating a balanced diet, spending time outdoors in nature, pursuing creative activities, setting aside time to relax and unwind, and talking with loved ones are all helpful ways to cope with depressive feelings. Additionally, avoiding alcohol or drug use and managing stress levels can be beneficial.
Other helpful modalities to treat medicine that could be used in adjunct to nutrient therapy includes acupuncture, massage, aroma therapy, meditation, and psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a highly recommended form of psychotherapy. It focuses on changing patterns of negative thinking in order to help reframe persistent feelings of sadness and helplessness. It is important that these modalities be documented by a healthcare professional as a part of the patient’s history.
Prior to your first appointment at Mensah Medical, you will be required to complete a new patient intake form as well as a patient history form. These forms must be submitted to Mensah Medical before an appointment can be scheduled. For Outreach Clinic appointments these forms must be submitted one week before the scheduled Outreach. For established patients, prior to your follow up you will be required to complete a progress report. This must be submitted via your Elation Passport at least 72 hours before the appointment.
At Mensah Medical, we run lab work and blood tests to confirm your bio individual needs. If during the appointment the doctors deem it necessary they may order additional testing such as a hair analysis, G.I. Map, SAM/SAH Methylation Profile, or others. The physicians will create an individualized nutrient protocol to address each of the imbalances presented. Treatment and long-term monitoring will be facilitated by the nursing staff, Dr. Mensah, and Dr. Bowman. Formal follow ups on an individual’s progression will be done every six months to ensure biochemical levels and symptoms are responding appropriately.
Butternut Squash Soup: It’s my favorite season and with all the beautiful colors of fall comes one of my favorite soups to warm your soul.
It is important for us to remember that people struggling with Schizophrenia are not the people we once knew. They are different. They are dysregulated. Try not to personalize their reactions, their responses, or their objections. I understand this is easier said than done, because the person in front of you looks like that person you once knew, and sounds like that person, but none of it is making any sense. Also understand that your loved one is probably just as frustrated as you are. Just as their cognitive processing seems flawed to you, that same cognitive processing means you are likely coming across to them in a way that they don’t truly understand.
There are many species of elderberries but the black elder is the most common for medicinal use. The berries are very bitter and should not be eaten raw because when uncooked they contain a chemical similar to cyanide. For many generations, herbalists have used cooked elderberries as a healing agent. It is known to be both an antiviral as well as cancer-fighting botanical. Elderberry is generally available as a liquid, a syrup, and in capsules and lozenges. There are two common medicinal brands: Sambucol and Sinupret.
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